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Early specification of hot water systems key to overall project success

New research conducted by Bankwest has revealed that the number of medium density home approvals across Australia have surged to a 20-year high, with more than 85,000 new approvals recorded in the 12 months leading to November 2014.

Architecture & Design Team

07 Dec 2015 3m read View Author

New research conducted by Bankwest has revealed that the number of medium density home approvals across Australia have surged to a 20-year high, with more than 85,000 new approvals recorded in the 12 months leading to November 2014.

With medium density housing now accounting for more than half of all housing approvals in major city centres Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Darwin; these numbers will only increase, so it’s important that smart design be implemented as early as possible to ensure the smooth execution of a project.

A crucial element in medium density design to consider, that is often overlooked, is the implementation and installation of efficient hot water systems.

Due to the configuration and spatial constraints of medium density dwellings such as duplexes, townhouses, row houses and villas, this often leaves limited choices for hot water solutions, resulting in increased running costs for the end user in the long term.

Moreover, failing to consider the appropriate hot water technology and installation location can also devalue the property, and negatively impact the overall aesthetic, amenities and living space of a home.

When specifying a hot water system for medium density dwellings, there are two key considerations to look at: the available energy sources for heating water, and the type of hot water technology to be designed into the development.

Producing up to 33 percent less greenhouse emissions than their electric counterparts, gas hot water systems are an energy-efficient, cost-effective solution, and should be strongly considered when gas connection is available for the building.

Unique in the Australian market, the Bosch 4000S is a gas continuous flow hot water system, specifically developed to address the space, performance and aesthetic demands of medium density housing.

The 4000s is available with output capacities (12Litres/min, 16L/min, 20L/min), which is ideally suited to the requirements of medium density developments. Being a continuous flow water heater, there is no limitation on shower duration, and efficiency at 6 star means that the 4000S is the most efficient of the alternative hot water technologies for medium density. Bosch’s patented Optiflow combustion management technology ensures the 4000S is operating with optimum efficiency over the lifetime of the appliance by constantly monitoring and adjusting gas and air ratios in the combustion process.

The design flexibility of the 4000S is derived from the fact that it is a room sealed appliance, with a co-axial flue system that facilitates installation of the 4000S in virtually any position in a medium density dwelling. The stylish European appearance of the 4000S may even give local specifiers the confidence to follow the lead of the Europeans, where such appliances are mounted directly on internal laundry or kitchen walls without the need to be obscured from view or hidden in cupboards.

The early specification of the Bosch 4000S ensures ultimate design flexibility for both architects and specifiers, as well as reduced long-term running costs and optimal comfort and amenity for the end user.

Interested in finding out more? Click here to view the free infographic.

Bosch Hot Water and Heating
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