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Futureproofing retail store access control management

With the emergence of new technologies and the growing importance of keyless smart access, retail store access control management solutions must be future-proof to adapt to the changing needs.

Architecture & Design Team

22 Jun 2023 6m read View Author

Retail stores require efficient and secure access control solutions to ensure the safety of their customers, staff, and merchandise. Traditional access control methods such as keys, locks, and access cards are no longer sufficient to meet the evolving needs of modern retail environments. Robust access control is vital for efficient, successful retail store security of any size or type – boutiques or big-box stores, owner-operated restaurants or fast-food chains, banks or financial services outlets, and more.

With the emergence of new technologies and the growing importance of keyless smart access, retail store access control management solutions must be future-proof to adapt to the changing needs.

What's the future of access control?

The future of access control is increasingly digital, mobile, and connected. As technology continues to evolve, future-proof retail access control is about providing a more seamless, keyless, secure, and flexible experience for staff while also offering more sophisticated tools and analytics for store managers. An increasing number of access control systems are moving away from traditional physical keys and keycards towards smart mobile credentials.

Access control systems will continue to evolve to meet the dynamic needs of retail stores and other businesses – and SALTO is leading the charge toward this innovation, accelerating the smart access transition from mechanical keys to digital keys.

What are the challenges of traditional access control methods in retail?

Traditional access control methods such as keys and locks have been used for decades in retail stores; however, they come with several challenges. For example, it can be difficult to manage access control for large retail stores that have many employees and frequent turnover. Moreover, traditional access control methods lack the flexibility and convenience that modern retail environments require, from the store's main entrance to the back-store area and warehouse access.

Store managers must be freed from constant cries of “Can I have the keys?”. On the other hand, site managers must facilitate maintenance and deliveries, often outside of regular operating hours. Business owners must control stock and protect against fraud while landlords must ensure that only authorised personnel are on their premises.

These issues, and more, are easily managed with SALTO’s keyless smart access solutions for retail store security. SALTO Systems makes access control simple, seamless, and secure by providing you with the tools to grant specific access rights to your staff, suppliers, customers, or even delivery services.

Top 5 benefits of modern access control solutions for retail

Modern access control solutions offer several benefits for retail stores. Firstly, they provide better security for customers, staff, and merchandise. Secondly, modern access control solutions can be easily managed and customised to meet the unique needs of a retail store. What’s more, modern access control solutions offer a more convenient, efficient, and seamless experience for both customers and staff alike.

SALTO Systems’ access control solutions for retail can help retail stores future-proof their access control management – thanks to our advanced technologies and a broad range of features that prioritise security, convenience, and customisation. Here are some of the benefits of SALTO's access control solutions for retail:

1. Mobile and smart access: Scrap mechanical keys, replacement costs, and lost-key security worries.

Improve your staff experience and simplify your retail store security access control. Empower your employees with convenient, smart key access to the locations they need, and add or revoke authorisations in real time.

SALTO's mobile and smart access solutions allow staff to use their smartphones to access retail stores. This eliminates the need for access cards and provides a more seamless, hassle-free experience.

2. Improve access management: Simplify and centralise store security.

Add, delete, or modify access permissions for multiple sites instantly – all from one location. Replace expensive-to-reissue mechanical keys with mobile access, smart tags or key fobs, or PIN codes.

Eliminate expensive rekeying when staff members lose or misplace a key.

3. Integration with other systems: Integrate with your existing retail business management applications and security systems.

SALTO's access control platforms and solutions can be easily incorporated with other systems. This ensures full integration with the existing retail business management software that works with your time and attendance system or combined video surveillance management systems.

With SALTO, it’s easy to add new doors and locks to as many retail locations as needed. And no door is a problem – our state-of-the-art hardware solutions are designed to make smart access possible on any door, however unusual it may be.

4. Customisable access levels: Control who goes where and when for any or all of your retail locations.

Define precisely who can enter or exit, through which access points, and at what times – including your staff, suppliers, or delivery services. You can even authorise access by time of day and day of the week, offering convenient keyless and mobile access with remote access capabilities to open doors from anywhere in the world. This ensures that staff members have access to the areas they need while maintaining the security of other, more sensitive areas.

Revoke terminated employees’ access immediately, go into emergency lockdown, and remotely adjust access permissions and schedules at any time.

5. Audit trail: Monitor store operating hours and improve retail store security.

SALTO smart access control solutions provide 24/7 insights into on-premise activity, which improves safety for customers and staff members. SALTO's smart, high-tech access control solutions provide an audit trail of all access events: this allows retail stores to track who accessed specific areas and at what time.

Retail access control

SALTO Systems is helping retail businesses simplify their access management workflow to increase productivity, security, and operational efficiency – all reducing costs and optimising processes for shared, single, and multiple locations for all types of retail environments.

Modern access control solutions are essential for retail stores that want to futureproof their access control management. SALTO's powerful, best-in-class access control solutions offer a range of features and benefits that can help retail stores improve security, enhance convenience, and streamline access control management. From mobile and contactless access to integration with other systems, SALTO's access control solutions provide a flexible, scalable, and centralised management system for retail stores in line with the evolving future of access control worldwide.

SALTO Australia
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