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Futurewood composite timber adds earthy vibe to community centre

Composite timber from Futurewood was installed for decking and screening applications at the Balwyn Community Centre during a recent renovation.

Architecture & Design Team

03 Aug 2020 1m read View Author

Composite timber from Futurewood was installed for decking and screening applications at the Balwyn Community Centre during a recent renovation.

A multipurpose site consisting of a heritage building, native gardens, community spaces and facilities, Balwyn Community Centre features Futurewood’s CleverDeck Original composite timber on the decking and screening, both in the colour Weathered Stone.

CleverDeck Original creates an earthy timber look that beautifully integrates the old and new buildings and the community gardens on the property.

The architects chose Futurewood’s composite timber building products not only to provide the natural aesthetic but also for the material’s hard-wearing properties, which will save the community considerable time and expense in ongoing maintenance that would have been otherwise required for hardwood timber.

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