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Design intent achieved with glulam at Batemans Bay aquatic centre

Over 140m³ of spruce glulam treated with a coating suitable for pool environments were provided for the aquatic areas.

Architecture & Design Team

15 Sep 2022 2m read View Author

The Batemans Bay Regional Aquatic & Arts Leisure Centre is set to become a destination for recreational and cultural experiences with the purpose-built facility offering opportunities for water sports, leisure and fitness activities as well as creative arts programs for the community.

Designed by NBRS in partnership with Donovan Payne Architects based on ecologically sustainable development principles, the aquatic centre features two distinct pavilions to co-locate aquatic and performance functions.

While one pavilion houses three pools, a gymnasium and waterslide tower, the other features a 350-seat black box theatre with retractable seating, rehearsal room and art studios. Both pavilions are connected by a streamlined central building, which houses the main reception, foyer and administration areas.

Over 140m³ of spruce glulam treated with a coating suitable for pool environments were provided for the aquatic areas. The maximum span of the longest elements is 33 metres, split into three smaller parts for transportation. The original design called for a bow-string type of hybrid timber beams, with a solid flat top glulam part and a tension cable below. We were able to execute the design intent by adapting each dimension for load verification, manufacturability and ease of installation.

The outdoor pergola features bespoke 3D bended glulam elements (beams that are freeform bent in two directions) to represent the waves of the nearby ocean, and also the architect’s signature on the job.

Completed in 2021, the project scope encompassed detailed design, structural engineering, fabrication, and delivery to site.

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