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Havwoods timber flooring provides a stunning foundation for Pillow Talk’s Brisbane hub

The harmony between bespoke finishes such as polished concrete, timber flooring, and various joinery elements has resulted in a space where functionality meets finesse

Architecture & Design Team

15 Jul 2024 2m read View Author

Pillow Talk, a premier homewares retailer, partnered with Cottee Parker and Hutchinson Builders to create a 22,415m² mixed-use complex in Brisbane, QLD. Notable design considerations include the stunning foundation of Havwoods' sustainable Blanco 13 timber flooring, blending seamlessly with polished concrete for a harmonious workspace.

Pillow Talk’s centralised operational hub, brought to life by Cottee Parker and Hutchinson Builders, flawlessly integrates office spaces, studio facilities, and a distribution warehouse.

The client’s brief demanded front-of-house public spaces to exude quality and excellence. These areas, including key boardrooms, reception, and waiting areas, form visitors’ first impressions of the Pillow Talk brand.

The open floor plan posed a challenge for conventional timber floors, given the expansion and contraction needs. Havwoods Blanco 13 from the Venture Plank collection with its engineered design, was the ideal solution.

Blanco 13 Engineered Timber

A remarkable example of craftsmanship is seen in the soffit lining of the internal staircases, installed with a spider crane due to its complexity. The underside showcases the platinum tones of Blanco 13, chosen for its sustainability certification and perfect complement to adjacent finishes.

Blanco 13 Engineered Timber

The harmony between bespoke finishes such as polished concrete, timber flooring, and various joinery elements has resulted in a space where functionality meets finesse, with every detail enhancing a harmonious and productive workspace.

Project details

Project: Pillow Talk Head Office

Location: Brisbane, QLD

Architect: Cottee Parker

Builder: Hutchinson Builders

Product Used: HW3674 Blanco 13 Engineered Timber

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