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Insulation products made In Australia

Insulation is one of the most important technical aspects of any architectural project in order to meet compliance and achieve energy efficiency targets. Australian made insulation is developed with local knowledge of Australian standards, codes and regulations, and is manufactured to provide the best possible performance for the prevailing climates in different parts of the country.

Architecture & Design Team

06 Jul 2020 4m read View Author

Insulation is one of the most important technical aspects of any architectural project in order to meet compliance and achieve energy efficiency targets. With an extensive range of products available on the market, it can be a tricky field to navigate, especially if you’re not familiar with the dependable attributes to look for, and the companies that offer them. Specifying a non-compliant or unsuitable product can result in costly refits or delays, danger to human life or even death should an emergency occur, so it’s paramount to choose the highest quality products that have been produced to the relevant Australian safety standards, and are right for the project.

Australia’s Extraordinary Range of Climates

Australia is an exceptionally vast country and, as such, is characterised by an extraordinary range of climates. Any Australian specifier knows the design of a sustainable, contemporary house in a Northern Territory city like Darwin, more than likely wouldn’t function as well in a NSW Snowy Mountain location like Thredbo.

Designing and building a structure that stays warm in Winter and cool in Summer (or cool all year-round in the tropics) requires a knowledge of the domestic landscape and weather patterns that many international insulation suppliers may struggle to gain.

Specifying Locally Made Products With Fletcher Insulation

Specifying locally made Australian products is the best way to ensure desired results. Australian made insulation is developed with local knowledge of Australian standards, codes and regulations, and is manufactured to provide the best possible performance for the prevailing climates in different parts of the country.

Fletcher Insulation is a supplier of Australian made insulation, with their history as an onshore manufacturer tracing back to the 1930s. From beginnings as the Australian Sisalkraft company, to pioneering the manufacture of the now-ubiquitous glasswool insulation, the company continues to focus on providing the most innovative and best technical assistance to the market.

Their range runs the full spectrum of acoustic and thermal insulation types for residential, commercial and HVAC applications, and their products are manufactured in Australia, to domestic standards and guidelines.

Knowledge of the domestic compliance and certification landscape is essential when it comes to insulation, and this is something Fletcher Insulation has always prided itself on. Their products are compliant with AS/NZS 4859.1:2018 Materials for the thermal insulation of buildings, with the vast majority also CodeMark and Global Mark certified to provide certainty at a glance that the products are high performing across their intended uses.

On top of that, additional certifications like BSI Accreditation provide assurance that product manufacture takes place in accordance with both international and domestic Occupational Health and Safety regulations.

Improving Sustainability Outcomes

Across all areas of construction, insulation can have some of the most significant impacts on sustainability outcomes. Installing quality insulation correctly can also have major benefits for the Australian household with an estimated 50% less energy usage on heating and cooling.

Fletcher Insulation has a strong sense of corporate and social responsibility to the local environment and is committed to supplying products that promote energy efficiency. Their insulation products are guaranteed ODP free, and no harmful levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are released during the manufacturing process.

In addition, Fletcher Insulation glasswool is bio-soluble, manufactured from up to 80% recycled materials, and specifically designed for harsh Australian conditions. This contributes to the circular economy of domestic waste management and reuse.

Supporting the Local Economy

The choice of suitable insulation products can impact not only the success of the project itself, but also the safety of the occupants, the local environment, and even the local economy. It’s paramount for any specifier to ensure selected insulation products are Australian made, compliant and sustainable.

With the recent global pandemic crippling Australia both socially and economically, support for local manufacturers and suppliers is now more critical than ever. Buying Australian made products will enable specifiers to greatly reduce the financial shock to the architecture and construction industries, and help ensure high-quality products can continue to be produced in Australia.

As a local manufacturer, Fletcher Insulation is maintaining a strong stock position, and they remain committed to supporting the building and construction industry.

Fletcher Insulation
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