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Kingspan’s Somerton site receives key ISO accreditations

Kingspan Insulation’s newly opened Somerton manufacturing facility has been awarded important third party certifications, establishing its environmental, safety and quality standards.

Architecture & Design Team

27 Mar 2024 2m read View Author

Kingspan Insulation’s newly opened Somerton manufacturing facility has been awarded important third party certifications, establishing its environmental, safety and quality standards.

Having recently implemented an integrated management system closely aligned with the ideals and strategic direction of the organisation, Kingspan Insulation has clearly demonstrated their commitment to continuous improvement when it comes to safety, quality, and environmental and energy management while also enhancing customer satisfaction.

Following an extensive audit by compliance partner SAI Global, Kingspan’s Somerton site recently received notification about their compliance with ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 50001 standards. These certifications confirm that Kingspan has effective systems to ensure compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory and voluntary obligations. They also demonstrate that the organisation is committed to meeting all requirements applicable to conformity of manufactured product and customer expectations.

The certifications ensure that Kingspan will consider the impact of their business activities on the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, be they suppliers, customers, workers or the broader community. Furthermore, the company commits itself to the adoption of a lifecycle perspective towards goods and services when formulating policies and procedures. Paramount is the company’s demonstrated commitment to the prevention of injury and ill health, to protecting the environment, and to improving the efficient use of energy and resources.

Throughout their planning, design and procurement processes, Kingspan will always make choices regarding the suitability, energy efficiency and general sustainability of various products and services. The company will also partner with existing suppliers and customers to help them improve their own management systems in pursuit of the same goals.

The Somerton site’s newly certified systems provide a framework for establishing performance indicators that support improvement objectives and policies. It also ensures that the site’s overall effectiveness is reviewed by senior management against benchmark targets and improvements are identified.

Kingspan Insulation is the undisputed global leader in high performance, high efficiency insulation products. The certification process is an important third party verification that the manufacturing and business processes followed by Kingspan’s global businesses are in line with the strategic imperatives of the company as well as the environmental and custodial imperatives of the community and customers served by them.

Kingspan Insulation
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