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LAMILUX glass roof PR60 – where safety meets architectural design excellence

The PR60 features meticulously designed elements that emphasise functionality and reliability.

Architecture & Design Team

16 Jun 2024 1m read View Author

We are pleased to present the LAMILUX glass roof PR60, a system that combines safety with high architectural standards. This advanced solution enhances spaces with natural light while promoting energy-efficient construction.

The PR60 features meticulously designed elements that emphasise functionality and reliability. The frame profiles, together with the EPDM outer seal, ensure effective drainage of rainwater, preventing infiltration into the structure.

The inner sealing layer facilitates efficient ventilation of the glazing rebate and controlled drainage of both water and condensate. This design ensures optimal performance and minimises water-related issues.

A notable feature of the PR60 is its jointless and overlapping seal system, which guarantees effective water drainage without damaging the glazing rebate. This system prevents the formation of milky panes, ensuring clear transparency and durability.

Experience the safety, elegance, and functionality of the LAMILUX glass roof PR60. Enjoy a space enriched with natural light and the assurance of its exceptional water management capabilities.

At EBSA, we are dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality solutions that enhance architectural design possibilities.

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