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Lewisham school upgrade features MDF and fibre cement panels from Keystone Linings

For this transformative initiative, we supplied our premium Key-Nirvana Fireguard MDF panels in the exquisite Elegant Oak finish and our Equitone coloured fibre cement panels.

Architecture & Design Team

28 Sep 2023 1m read View Author

Situated in Lewisham NSW, Eileen O’Connor Catholic College stands as a beacon of comprehensive education, offering Kinder to Year 12 programs tailored to students with moderate intellectual disabilities.

Keystone Linings supplied two lining products for the upgrade of Eileen O’Connor Catholic College, a visionary undertaking spearheaded by the esteemed COWYN Building Group.

For this transformative initiative, we supplied our premium Key-Nirvana Fireguard MDF panels in the exquisite Elegant Oak finish and our Equitone coloured fibre cement panels. The meticulous installation was expertly executed by Auzoom Projects, elevating both functionality and aesthetics.

We are immensely proud of the exceptional collaboration and professionalism exhibited by all who participated in this project.

Project details

Project: Eileen O’Connor Catholic College, Lewisham

Builder: COWYN Building Group

Installer: Auzoom Projects

Products: Key-Nirvana Fireguard MDF Panels in Elegant Oak Finish and Equitone Coloured Fibre Cements

Keystone Linings
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