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Midrise building with inverted stepped facade improves public realm

The dynamic angled facade defines Abacus Lofts, putting the building’s fifth floor in parallel with the street.

Architecture & Design Team

21 Sep 2022 1m read View Author

Abacus Lofts is a midrise building located in the Little Portugal neighbourhood of Toronto.

Featuring a beautiful inverted stepped facade that cantilevers out towards the street and then back in again towards the top of the building, Abacus Lofts illustrates how midrise density developments can improve the public realm along Toronto’s main streets while simultaneously creating a sensitive transition to adjacent residential neighbourhoods.

Abacus Lofts facade

The dynamic angled facade design defines Abacus Lofts, putting the building’s fifth floor in parallel with the street, while pulling back at grade and above to allow for activated retail and emphasis on the public realm.

Abacus Lofts facade

Project details:

Developer: Antonio Azevedo

Architects: Quadrangle Architects and RAW Design

Construction: 59 Project Management

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