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Midtown Centre featuring EBSA products wins Property Council of Australia award

The Fender Katsalidis-designed Midtown Centre has won the Property Council of Australia GHD Design Award for the ‘Best Sustainable Development’.

Architecture & Design Team

05 Oct 2023 2m read View Author

The Fender Katsalidis-designed Midtown Centre has won the Property Council of Australia GHD Design Award for the ‘Best Sustainable Development’.

Designed in line with the Brisbane City Council’s ‘Buildings that Breathe’ guidelines for a passive, subtropical design, Midtown Centre incorporates natural ventilation, operable windows and doors, an abundance of plants, and ample outdoor space.

The intricate and innovative merging of two 20-storey structures, as opposed to the demolition and new build, saved an estimated 11,000 tonnes of carbon emissions – the equivalent of running the building fully occupied, carbon-neutral for four years.

EBSA products showcased in Midtown Centre

EBSA was engaged by SRG Global to undertake the supply and installation of the Schneider LF550 automated single glazed louvre system and D+H Mechatronic CPS-M control panels on this unique project, delivering natural ventilation to the building.

SRG Global’s facade division undertook the design, supply and installation of the engineered curtain wall facades for the project.

The building achieved a 6-Star Green Star Rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. The 6-Star rating represents the highest standard (World Leadership) in environmentally sustainable building practices.

Project credits

Client: AsheMorgan & DMANN Corporation

Architect: Fender Katsalidis

Builder: Hutchinson Builders

Facade Company: SRG Global Facades

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