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MondoClad helps deliver design vision for Decjuba HQ facade

The Decjuba HQ in Cremorne, Victoria features HVG Facades' MondoClad® in Black, helping to enhance the building facade's aesthetic appeal.

Architecture & Design Team

30 May 2024 1m read View Author

Our Corporate Identity work spans across many industries including retail and fast food chains, banking, automotive, petroleum, healthcare, aged care, education and government agencies.

The Decjuba HQ in Cremorne, Victoria features HVG Facades' MondoClad® in Black, helping to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the building facade. The installation was executed by Proline Facades - Facade & Cladding.

MondoClad offers architects unparalleled versatility and performance, enabling them to achieve their design goals with ease and confidence. With its sleek, contemporary aesthetic and an extensive range of colour options, MondoClad empowers architects to bring their creative visions to life.

Let us help you achieve your design aspirations for your next corporate branding project.

HVG Facades
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