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Now, a flooring range purpose designed to improve indoor air quality

Tarkett Australia leads the fight against poor indoor air quality with the introduction of a flooring range purpose-designed to improve air quality in diverse environments.

Architecture & Design Team

25 Aug 2023 2m read View Author

Global sustainable flooring specialist Tarkett Australia leads the fight against poor indoor air quality with the introduction of a flooring range purpose-designed to improve air quality in diverse environments.

Recommended for healthcare, aged care and education facilities, Tarkett’s new iQ ONE flooring range has a positive impact on interior environments and human health. iQ ONE, the world’s first homogenous flooring product to earn a Cradle to Cradle Gold level certification by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, has also achieved the Green Tag Level A Certificate issued by Global Green Tag.

A recent report, ‘Towards Buildings That Thrive’, authored by the Thrive Research Hub at The University of Melbourne and commissioned by Tarkett, addresses the need to develop building design and construction practices and interior materials that promote healthier and sustainable commercial spaces, with a focus on indoor air quality. Findings from the study reveal that exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from building materials such as flooring can result in significant adverse health issues for the building’s occupants, including the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

The report also found that despite children, the elderly and the sick being particularly vulnerable to unhealthy indoor environments, the facilities used to service these groups were held to the same indoor air quality thresholds as commercial offices and warehouses.

Ralph Jorissen, Managing Director of Tarkett Australasia says the iQ ONE flooring range addresses the increased pressure on design professionals to build healthier, sustainable indoor environments by providing them with a non-PVC and phthalate-free, low VOC emission and fully recyclable option.

The report also finds that using sustainable products such as Tarkett’s iQ ONE will improve human health and wellbeing by providing low levels of long-term health-impacting VOCs, increased hygiene, dust reduction, thermal comfort and visual and acoustic appeal.

Renowned architect Peter Colquhoun says Tarkett represents a world-class, environmentally responsible brand and its iQ ONE range is a step change when it comes to flooring that not only offers environmental benefits, but also human health, wellbeing and economic benefits. Additionally, the iQ ONE’s range of colours and patterns offers aesthetically beautiful solutions for many diverse spaces.

Image: The iQ ONE range not only offers environmental benefits, but also human health, wellbeing and economic benefits

Tarkett Australia
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