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Promoting public health and safety

Fletcher Insulation products promote health and safety when they are installed in a wide range of residential and non-residential building applications.

Architecture & Design Team

28 Oct 2022 2m read View Author

Fletcher Insulation products promote health and safety when they are installed in a wide range of residential and non-residential building applications.

Across installations in residential, commercial, healthcare and public buildings, our products reduce reliance on artificial cooling and heating systems, improving the general air quality. They also act as fire retardants, diminishing the risk of injury by fire for occupants.

In industrial and commercial applications, Fletcher Insulation products increase safety in the workplace by providing protection from the extremes of heat and noise generated by machinery and other installations.

Fletcher Insulation is the supplier of choice for a wide range of medical facilities.

Fletcher Insulation was specified for the Alan Walker Care Centre located at Royal Darwin Hospital. The care centre provides oncology outpatients with a range of specialist services including radiation therapy, chemotherapy and more.

Fletcher Insulation products played a key role in optimising the building climate control, providing the foundation for a comfortable environment for patients and staff.

Other health facility projects using Fletcher Insulation products include, but are not limited to, Mater Hospital, Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Concord Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, Maroondah Hospital, Caulfield Medical Centre, The Alfred Hospital, Rockingham Hospital, Wangaratta Hospital, Managatang Hospital, Linacre Hospital, Moe Community Hospital, Peninsula Private Hospital, Ballarat Base Hospital and the Royal Dental Institute.

Fletcher Insulation
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