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New Rendabar Gen III designed for lintel applications with cement rendering

With its specialised design, the bond between mortar, brick and lintel creates superior strength and structural integrity.

Architecture & Design Team

13 Mar 2024 1m read View Author

Galintel introduces the new Rendabar Gen III, specifically designed for lintel applications with cement rendering. With its specialised design, the bond between mortar, brick and lintel creates superior strength and structural integrity.

Key features:

  • Slotted design to support brickwork over openings where a rendered finish is required.
  • Gen III design provides maximum adhesion with the introduction of slits on the horizontal and vertical of the lintel creating an excellent mechanical bond for the render.
  • New heel profile design makes it easier for brick installation.
  • Fully hot-dip galvanised to AS/NZS4680.
  • Achieves R3 Durability Rating to AS/NZS2699.3.
  • Compliant with relevant Australian Building Codes & Australian Standards.
  • Australian designed and manufactured.
  • Full product warranty.
  • Stamped, labelled & bar coded.


  • Superior performance
  • Long life and durability
  • Easy identification
  • Peace of mind
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