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Slotted and perforated fibre cement panels specified for QLD school upgrade

Keystone specified our custom Key Endura slotted and perforated fibre cement panels in an Ink finish, complete with K100 backing for noise performance.

Architecture & Design Team

28 Sep 2023 1m read View Author

Adding to our growing list of school upgrade projects across Queensland, Keystone Linings was requested to specify panels for the new multi-storey Learning Centre, Admin & Resource Centre at New Farm State School while the school remained fully operational.

Keystone specified our custom Key Endura slotted and perforated fibre cement panels in an Ink finish, complete with K100 backing for noise performance. The design did justice to the vision of COBiE Group Architects, while Paynters’ quality of delivery was impeccable.

We are incredibly proud of how the design turned out and applaud all who worked on this project for their high level of professionalism.

Project details

Project: New Farm State School

Architect: COBiE Group

Builder: Paynters

Products: Key Endura Slotted and Perforated Fibre Cement Panels in Ink Finish, K100 Backing

Keystone Linings
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