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Smooth patrol: Pyrotek helps NSW Police Boats meet noise regulations

Premium commercial fiberglass vessels manufacturer, Steber International, recently delivered 50 high-quality marine vessels for State and Federal government bodies in New South Wales (NSW). Pyrotek was consulted to ensure the boats—individually designed and purpose-built—met NSW water noise regulations.

Architecture & Design Team

18 Mar 2024 2m read View Author

Premium commercial fiberglass vessels manufacturer, Steber International, recently delivered 50 high quality marine vessels for State and Federal government bodies in New South Wales (NSW). Pyrotek was consulted to ensure the boats—individually designed and purpose-built—met NSW water noise regulations.

Marine vessels tend to emit high levels of noise from engine room enclosures, generators and floors. After determining the necessary noise control equipment for each carrier, Pyrotek strategically installed three different products to ensure minimal noise would be transmitted through each vessel.

Sorberfoam was selected to help reduce reverberation (a persistent build-up of echoes) noise developed in the engine rooms. A next-generation, combustion-modified flexible acoustic foam, it’s been proven to absorb substantially more energy across the entire frequency range than traditional polyurethane foams. The product is also engineered to resist degradation or foam rot.

Next, Sorberbarrier—a unique composite that combines the mass-loaded vinyl noise barrier Wavebar with Sorberfoam—was used as a high property noise absorber in the interiors.

Finally, Decidamp SP150 was applied to the walls of the water vessels. Developed with a special polymer technology, this water-based damping compound and adhesive eliminates the opportunity for vibration to radiate as airborne sound.

“The sound insulation qualities were excellent and met the DB ratings,” Alan Steber from Steber International commented. “The client (NSW Government) were [also] very impressed with the finish and easy-to-clean surface.”

In addition to soundproofing the vessels, Pyrotek’s acoustic and thermal solutions meet the strict fire requirements for marine vessels.

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