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Streamline your floor design process with Tarkett’s powerful new website

Tarkett Australia announces the launch of Tarkospec 2.0, an advanced floor planning website that brings the market-leading brand’s complete range of products to your desktop or smart device.

Architecture & Design Team

25 Aug 2023 2m read View Author

Tarkett Australia announces the launch of Tarkospec 2.0, an advanced floor planning website that brings the market-leading brand’s complete range of products to your desktop or smart device.

Explore Tarkett’s complete flooring range on Tarkospec 2.0, a powerful new website with an intuitive interface, intelligent filters, high resolution images, product information and detailed installation guides.

Tarkospec 2.0 showcases Tarkett's vast range of flooring materials, product lines, designs and colours with the simple interface allowing you to understand the options, compare alternatives, play with colours and designs, review product availability, order samples, access technical information and more.

Intelligent filters enable users to search by colour palette, product category, name or number as well as mix, match and compare colour combinations across multiple product ranges.

Users will also be informed about the stock position of various products in Australia to allow them to streamline lead times and plan their projects efficiently.

Tarkospec provides instant access to a big range of useful assets for client proposals, room visualisations and technical documentation. You can download high resolution room-scene images; high resolution images of every product in every pattern and colour; data sheets, product certifications; Autodesk files; installation and maintenance manuals; and segment brochures for Aged Care, Education, Workplace, Healthcare, Hospitality and Retail sectors.

Tarkospec - a world of flooring on your desktop, notebook or smartphone

Find out how Tarkospec can help streamline your design and documentation process. Explore on your desktop, notebook or mobile device and find flooring solutions for your project. No matter how large, complex or specialised the project is, Tarkett can cover it.

Tarkett Australia
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