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Why recovery is crucial for insulation

If insulation doesn’t recover to its designed thickness after being compressed in its packaging, it won’t achieve the stated thermal performance.

Architecture & Design Team

26 Jun 2024 1m read View Author

If insulation doesn’t recover to its designed thickness after being compressed in its packaging, it won’t achieve the stated thermal performance.

Recovery is crucial as it ensures the insulation can effectively trap heat in the tiny air pockets of its fibrous structure. Additionally, proper recovery ensures a snug fit during installation, preventing gaps that could compromise the insulation’s benefits.

At Fletcher Insulation, we have leading-edge measures in place to guarantee the quality and reliability of our glasswool insulation. In our NATA-certified laboratory, we measure the recovery of our batts and blankets to ensure they comply with required standards and that the product is as stated on the pack.

Further, our key glasswool product lines are Codemark certified, which mandates a comprehensive third-party accreditation that covers product standards, quality processes and installation instructions.

Fletcher Insulation
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