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XLam takes the lead in sustainable construction for Melbourne's T3 Collingwood office tower, Hines' 15-storey mass timber marvel

XLam manufactured and supplied 2,360m3 of sustainable, safe, and efficient XLam CLT for Melbourne’s largest mass timber office building, the 15-storey T3 Collingwood Office Tower. Designed and built with a specific focus on sustainability, using XLam CLT translated to 1,690 tonnes of carbon that has been sequestered from the atmosphere.

Architecture & Design Team

15 Mar 2024 1m read View Author

XLam manufactured and supplied 2,360m3 of sustainable, safe, and efficient XLam CLT for Melbourne’s largest mass timber office building, the 15-storey T3 Collingwood Office Tower. Designed and built with a specific focus on sustainability, using XLam CLT translated to 1,690 tonnes of carbon that has been sequestered from the atmosphere.

The saving is equal to having 850 fewer cars on the road for a year. XLam CLT uses renewable plantation timber, which means the timber used in the CLT was regrown in just 7 hours.

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