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Insulation solutions for aged care: A holistic approach to designing and specifying healthy, human-centred buildings for people in care, sustainably

As we get older, our health needs become more complex. The modern aged care facility is designed to meet these needs, with the aim of preserving residents' wellbeing, quality of life, and overall dignity while assisting caregivers in delivering high-quality care in a safe and effective manner. Insulation plays a critical role in creating aged care environments that are healthy, supportive and sustainable.

Architecture & Design Team

24 May 2024 2m read View Author

Due to rising life expectancy and declining fertility rates, Australia's population is rapidly ageing, putting pressure on our aged care system. As we get older, our health needs become more complex. The modern aged care facility is designed to meet these needs, with the aim of preserving residents' wellbeing, quality of life, and overall dignity while assisting caregivers in delivering high-quality care in a safe and effective manner. Insulation is an invaluable tool that architects, designers and specifiers can use to create healthy and sustainable aged care buildings.

Insulation for aged care facilities: Constructing healthy, human-centred buildings for people in care puts forward a holistic approach to designing aged care facilities. Focusing on the role of insulation, we discuss the importance of acoustic comfort, clean air and comfortable temperatures in creating a space that supports the physical, cognitive and psychological wellbeing of residents. We also consider how insulation can contribute to greener, more sustainable aged care buildings.

Fletcher Insulation is an Australian manufacturer and supplier of insulation solutions designed especially for Australian climatic conditions. With a focus on people, Fletcher Insulation has designed a range of insulation solutions for the aged care sector to support the health and wellbeing of residents, reduce energy costs and deliver sustainable buildings that will stand the test of time.

Download this whitepaper to learn about a holistic approach to designing aged care facilities with a focus on insulation.

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Insulation solutions for aged care: A holistic approach to designing and specifying healthy, human-centred buildings for people in care, sustainably
As we get older, our health needs become more complex. The modern aged care facility is designed to meet these needs, with the aim of preserving residents' wellbeing, quality of life, and overall dignity while assisting caregivers in delivering high-quality care in a safe and effective manner. Insulation plays a critical role in creating aged care environments that are healthy, supportive and sustainable.
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