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Insulation solutions for offices and warehouses: A holistic approach to designing and specifying for healthier commercial environments, sustainably

Workplace design and its effect on productivity and absenteeism have been topics of increasing discussion among architects, designers, and engineers in recent years. Good insulation is one strategy for creating a healthier indoor environment that responds to the needs of employees in office and warehouse environments.

Architecture & Design Team

24 May 2024 2m read View Author

The majority of people's waking hours are spent at work. It follows that workplaces that offer thermal and acoustic comfort to support employees' wellbeing are workplaces that are more productive and more successful at retaining and attracting talent. Good insulation is one strategy for creating a healthier indoor environment that responds to the needs of employees in office and warehouse environments. Whether you are designing an open-plan office space, a large warehouse, or a multi-use building, insulation that is thoughtfully and carefully specified can help to control noise, temperature, condensation, and air quality while containing energy costs through passive cooling and warming.

Sustainable office and warehouse design: A holistic approach to designing and specifying insulation for healthier commercial environments looks at the link between health and productivity and built environment design, highlighting how good insulation is essential for creating optimal work environments. We look at the role of insulation in office and warehouse environments, with a focus on its impact on acoustic comfort, thermal comfort, air quality, fire safety and building condensation. We also consider the qualities of healthy and sustainable insulation materials. Finally, we highlight a company that has taken a holistic approach to developing the best insulation solutions for all types of commercial buildings.

With a focus on people, Fletcher Insulation has designed a range of insulation solutions to support the wellbeing, comfort and productivity of employees, helping companies achieve better business outcomes, reduce costs and attract the right talent.

Download this whitepaper and learn why a holistic approach to insulation is needed to control noise, temperature, condensation, and air quality while containing energy costs in commercial buildings.

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Insulation solutions for offices and warehouses: A holistic approach to designing and specifying for healthier commercial environments, sustainably
Workplace design and its effect on productivity and absenteeism have been topics of increasing discussion among architects, designers, and engineers in recent years. Good insulation is one strategy for creating a healthier indoor environment that responds to the needs of employees in office and warehouse environments.
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