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Ensuring the safety of Australia’s botanical treasures

The National Herbarium of NSW houses over a million botanical specimens, some of which are more than two centuries old. Including numerous climate control features, such as Verosol blinds, the state-of-the-art facility is helping safeguard Australia’s natural heritage for future generations.

Architecture & Design Team

27 Mar 2023 1m read View Author

The National Herbarium of NSW houses over a million botanical specimens, some of which are more than two centuries old. Including numerous climate control features, such as Verosol blinds, the state-of-the-art facility is helping safeguard Australia’s natural heritage for future generations.

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Ensuring the safety of Australia’s botanical treasures
The National Herbarium of NSW houses over a million botanical specimens, some of which are more than two centuries old. Including numerous climate control features, such as Verosol blinds, the state-of-the-art facility is helping safeguard Australia’s natural heritage for future generations.
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