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Sound learning: Improving acoustic design in educational spaces & open-plan classrooms

Noisy, open-plan classrooms affect students and teachers alike, making it more difficult to communicate and focus, sometimes even affecting their health and wellbeing. To create optimal acoustic conditions for learning and teaching, designers and specifiers must understand the physical characteristics of the space, the types of learning and teaching activities that need to be supported, and the ability and age of the students.

Architecture & Design Team

08 Jun 2022 2m read View Author

The rise of open-plan classrooms has put the spotlight on the impact of noise on learning and teaching outcomes. Open-plan classrooms are often noisier than ‘traditional’ enclosed classrooms, exacerbating the adverse effects of uncontrolled noise on the performance of students and teachers. In this context, acoustic design for educational spaces is more important than ever. Achieving optimal acoustic conditions for learning and teaching is a complex task that requires professional planning, and a deep understanding of all the relevant factors that contribute to acoustic quality within an interior environment.

Sound Learning: Improving Acoustic Design in Educational Spaces & Open-Plan Classrooms explores common acoustic issues in modern learning spaces and the key considerations for designing high-quality acoustic environments in this sector. We look at the impact of noise on learning and teaching performance, and how these issues are becoming more prevalent in open-plan learning spaces. We then consider acoustic design requirements for educational facilities, how to control noise and reverberation using acoustic treatments, and how to choose products for a balanced acoustic environment.

Siniat offers a range of specialty acoustic plasterboard linings with unique performance features ideal for educational settings, including supporting the current trend for open-plan teaching and study spaces. The brand offers perforated plasterboard solutions that can achieve the desired seamless appearance in open-plan designs while improving acoustic comfort.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the design considerations for improving acoustics in modern learning spaces.

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Sound learning: Improving acoustic design in educational spaces & open-plan classrooms
Noisy, open-plan classrooms affect students and teachers alike, making it more difficult to communicate and focus, sometimes even affecting their health and wellbeing. To create optimal acoustic conditions for learning and teaching, designers and specifiers must understand the physical characteristics of the space, the types of learning and teaching activities that need to be supported, and the ability and age of the students.
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