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Sustainability eBook 2022: ForestOne

It was in 2006, way back before smart phones or social media, when we launched what we now call the Sustainability Awards. Little did we realise that 16 years later, our ‘little’ awards would become the premier built environment sustainability awards program in Australia.

Architecture & Design Team

16 Dec 2022 1m read View Author

It was in 2006, way back before smart phones or social media, when we launched what we now call the Sustainability Awards. Little did we realise that 16 years later, our ‘little’ awards would become the premier built environment sustainability awards program in Australia.

In 2022, ForestOne was the proud sponsor of the Green Building Material category. Download this eBook to find out more.

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Sustainability eBook 2022: ForestOne
It was in 2006, way back before smart phones or social media, when we launched what we now call the Sustainability Awards. Little did we realise that 16 years later, our ‘little’ awards would become the premier built environment sustainability awards program in Australia.
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