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Sustainable flame: Why electric fires are the way of the future

Australian architects have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency. Globally, buildings and construction account for roughly 40 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats. To secure the future of our planet, there needs to be a shift in the design, delivery and performance of the built environment.

Architecture & Design Team

25 Sep 2023 1m read View Author

Australian architects have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency. Globally, buildings and construction account for roughly 40 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats. To secure the future of our planet, there needs to be a shift in the design, delivery and performance of the built environment.

Download this whitepaper to find out more about sustainable electric fires.

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Sustainable flame: Why electric fires are the way of the future
Australian architects have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency. Globally, buildings and construction account for roughly 40 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats. To secure the future of our planet, there needs to be a shift in the design, delivery and performance of the built environment.
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