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Thermal bridging: Benefits of continuous insulation

In May 2019 a new National Construction Code introduced significant changes to the provisions outlined in Section J of Volume 1, which sets out the energy efficiency requirements of buildings. Download this free whitepaper to learn how the Kingspan Kooltherm® range aims to help the construction sector improve the thermal efficiency of building envelopes by providing exceptional insulation.

Architecture & Design Team

23 Sep 2021 1m read View Author

In May 2019 a new National Construction Code introduced significant changes to the provisions outlined in Section J of Volume 1, which sets out the energy efficiency requirements of buildings.

Download this free whitepaper to learn how the Kingspan Kooltherm® range aims to help the construction sector improve the thermal efficiency of building envelopes by providing exceptional insulation.

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Thermal bridging: Benefits of continuous insulation
In May 2019 a new National Construction Code introduced significant changes to the provisions outlined in Section J of Volume 1, which sets out the energy efficiency requirements of buildings. Download this free whitepaper to learn how the Kingspan Kooltherm® range aims to help the construction sector improve the thermal efficiency of building envelopes by providing exceptional insulation.
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