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Understanding long span roofing: Considerations for commercial applications

To find out more about the considerations for specifying long-span roofing for commercial applications, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

17 Nov 2022 1m read View Author

The benefits of long span roofing are beginning to be recognised within the commercial sector, with single skin sheeting or insulated panel systems being the most popular. However, there are a number of vital aspects that need to be considered when specifying long-span roofing. Failing to do so could ultimately lead to roof failure, as a wide variety of problems can arise when surfaces are exposed to Australia’s harsh and ever-changing climate.

To find out more about the considerations for specifying long-span roofing for commercial applications, download this free whitepaper.

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Understanding long span roofing: Considerations for commercial applications
To find out more about the considerations for specifying long-span roofing for commercial applications, download this free whitepaper.
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