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Novawood unveiled: A comprehensive specifier's guide to transforming exterior applications with thermally modified wood

In today's world where timber is increasingly favoured in construction, there is a need for a better understanding of wood's inherent strengths and weaknesses. Environmentally friendly methods of wood treatment, such as Novawood Technology, are now available to enhance the durability, sustainability and fire resistance of wood.

Architecture & Design Team

13 Feb 2024 2m read View Author

Timber is one of the oldest building materials, yet it has always struggled with challenges like durability, decay, maintenance and scarcity of high-quality wood. In today's world where timber is increasingly favoured in construction, there is a need for a better understanding of wood's inherent strengths and weaknesses. Environmentally friendly and innovative methods of wood treatment, such as Novawood Technology, are now available to enhance the durability, sustainability and fire resistance of wood, while also connecting users to nature.

Understanding Novawood Technology: Enhancing wood’s durability, sustainability and fire resistance for external applications examines the architectural benefits of this innovative material. Novawood's heat-treated timber stands out as a robust, stylish, and all-natural option for exterior applications in a time when environmental concerns are of the utmost importance.

Novawood is proud to contribute to the sustainability of forests and clean nature, which protects the future of our biosphere, ensures fresh air to breathe, and meets the needs of the global wood economy, diverse forests and a healthy green environment. The manufacturing of Novawood products is completely natural and chemical free in world-class facilities equipped with the latest technology and machinery in accordance with established international standards.

  • Novawood is 95% more efficient than normal wood in outdoor weather conditions, making it ideal for exterior applications such as cladding.
  • Forests store more carbon than they release, and wood products continue to store that carbon. As natural carbon sinks, Novawood products are an efficient way to reduce carbon footprint while ensuring performance and durability.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the architectural benefits of Novawood Technology.

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Novawood unveiled: A comprehensive specifier's guide to transforming exterior applications with thermally modified wood
In today's world where timber is increasingly favoured in construction, there is a need for a better understanding of wood's inherent strengths and weaknesses. Environmentally friendly methods of wood treatment, such as Novawood Technology, are now available to enhance the durability, sustainability and fire resistance of wood.
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