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Wine storage for small spaces: A guide to underbench wine cabinets

With more and more Australians stepping into the world of wine collecting, a wine storage solution is quickly becoming a must-have component of every new building or renovation. Underbench wine cabinets are not limited to the kitchen and can be added as a feature to living and dining rooms.

Architecture & Design Team

27 Apr 2023 1m read View Author

With more and more Australians stepping into the world of wine collecting, a wine storage solution is quickly becoming a must-have component of every new building or renovation. Underbench wine cabinets are not limited to the kitchen and can be added as a feature to living and dining rooms.

Download this infographic to discover solutions for smaller spaces, the difference between an underbench wine cabinet and a traditional fridge and integrating underbench wine cabinets into design.

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Wine storage for small spaces: A guide to underbench wine cabinets
With more and more Australians stepping into the world of wine collecting, a wine storage solution is quickly becoming a must-have component of every new building or renovation. Underbench wine cabinets are not limited to the kitchen and can be added as a feature to living and dining rooms.
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