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10 Fold House

Mindful of Abbotsford’s architectural history and typography, 10 Fold House by Timmins + Whyte maintains its Edwardian facade and footprint, and not much else.

Mindful of Abbotsford’s architectural history and typography, 10 Fold House by Timmins + Whyte maintains its Edwardian facade and footprint, and not much else.

10 fold house

10 fold house

Deriving its name from its 10-fold roof, the dwelling’s new canopy creates openings for natural light and is respectful of the eastern neighbour, while rising up to the neighbour on the west, where a two-storey dwelling sits.

10 fold house

10 fold house

The interior spaces vary in expanse which creates an intriguing floor plan. The dining room is purposely intimate and sectioned off from the living and kitchen, whereas a voluminous space sees high ceilings overlook a wall of artworks.

10 fold house

10 fold house

The kitchen sits at the rear of the home and opens out to a private garden. The neighbour’s plantations are viewed from the garden that enhance the outdoor experience. Timber, stone, exposed brick and cream walls form the basis of the tonal palette of the majority of the home’s spaces.

10 fold house

10 fold house

Timmins + Whyte have looked to refine the living experience of their clients through reinventing 10 Fold House’s interior. The roof is distinctive in shape and purpose, providing natural light and a number of spacious and intimate sections throughout the dwelling that has been elevated through the adoption of a contemporary palette.

Timmins + Whyte
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    LocationAbbotsford, VIC
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