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Balmain East house

Overlooking Balmain Bay, Thodey Design Architects have created Balmain East Residence, in an attempt to create a home worthy of its location.

Overlooking Balmain Bay, Thodey Design Architects have created Balmain East Residence, in an attempt to create a home worthy of its location.

Centred around an existing weeping gum tree that was left untouched in the build, the practice has aimed to connect the home to both the street and the bay. The design begins at street level, where the walkway and entry descends into the terrain of the site.

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

The home itself is a contemporary piece of architecture, with polished concrete floors and high glazing underlining it’s modernist palette, while also doubling as temperature-regulating elements. The windows offer views of the streetscape and bay, with warm hues of timber implemented upon the ceilings and as joinery forming a home equally playful and expressive. The warm tonality intertwines with the views of the surrounding gums and jacarandas to create a palette of tranquil proportions, with a number of openings featured throughout the house.

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

A number of unique furniture pieces, coupled with a brickwork fireplace, a marble kitchen benchtop, terrazzo tiling in the bathrooms and a number of artworks scattered throughout the dwelling create a sense of eccentricity throughout the home. A back deck opens out to the bay, allowing the occupants and their guests to take full advantage of the backyard that backs onto the waterfront.

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

balmain east residence thodey design architects

Looking to create an inviting home characterised by its setting and contemporary palette, Balmain East Residence is a contemporary dwelling that emits a sense of warmth. Thodey Design Architects have smartly built around the site envelope and ingrained plantations, in a bid to ensure the owners get the most out of the home’s location, giving them full ability to entertain guests or enjoy the home’s offerings entirely by themselves.

balmain east residence thodey design architects

Thodey Design
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    Project Summary
    LocationBalmain East, NSW
    ArchitectThodey Design
    PhotographerTom Blachford
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