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Banksia Bayside

Banksia Bayside, crafted by Robert Harwood Architects, seeks to redefine the essence of townhouse living, transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary.

Banksia Bayside, crafted by Robert Harwood Architects, seeks to redefine the essence of townhouse living, transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary.

banksia bayside townhomes

Challenging the conventional, the collection of residences look to challenge atypical townhouse design. The architect, both owner and visionary, was the creative force behind the entire project.

Banksia Bayside emerges as a symphony of individuality. Its angled facades bestow a unique character upon each home, seamlessly integrating with the surrounding heathland and school grounds. These angles capture the ethereal hues of Beaumaris' famed sunsets, bathing the homes in a warm, evocative light.

banksia bayside townhomes

banksia bayside townhomes

At the heart of the complex lies a lush central courtyard wrapped by generous café-style windows and expansive sliding glass doors, making for a harmonious union of indoors and out.

The tonal palette is derived from the precinct’s coastal surrounds, with the subdued blue-grey palette echoing the bushland's serenity, while paying homage to the neighbouring mid-century modern residences. Bold yet elegant, black treated timber is applied to the lower facade, reminiscent of the weathered wooden piers that brave the elements along Beaumaris’ shores.

banksia bayside townhomes

Mid-height blockwork walls create a visual connection with the streetscape, while maintaining privacy and safety. The upper-level steel grey polycarbonate screens balance privacy with natural light, casting an artistic interplay of shadows and hues.

Inside, a palette of musky pinks, blues and whites pay homage to the mid-century modern charm of the locale. Each home boasts a 6.3-star energy rating. Double-glazed windows maximise efficiency, while solar panels power the dwellings.

banksia bayside townhomes

Banksia Bayside’s groundbreaking design looks to move beyond quintessential townhouse living, standing as an embodiment of design’s abilities.

Robert Harwood Architects
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    Project Summary
    LocationBeaumaris, VIC
    PhotographerTom Blachford
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