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Blue Magnolia

Biotope Architecture’s Blue Magnolia seeks to elevate the elegance of a 1840s row house while celebrating its historic structural elements.

Biotope Architecture’s Blue Magnolia seeks to elevate the elegance of a 1840s row house while celebrating its historic structural elements.

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

Located on an internal lot in Hobart, the clients purchased the home and subsequently made contact with Biotope. The practice devised an addition and looked to restore the existing dwelling through stripping back a previous renovation.

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

What has resulted is a dwelling reminiscent of its time period equipped with modern amenities. Plywood lining and thick stone walls are seen throughout, as well as visible upper floor patching that has replaced two stairwells.

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

blue magnolia biotope architecture

Skylights create a light-filled interior which brings a sense of warmth to the space. The series of dark rectangular forms along with the internal stone patchwork underlines Biotope’s approach of contemporary meets classic.

Biotope Architecture
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    Project Summary
    LocationHobart, TAS
    PhotographerTess Kelly
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