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From structured to playful: Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School

Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School's eastern façade can be read from left to right, progressing from structured to playful through abstracted geometric forms.

Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School eastern facade

The creation of Christ Church Grammar’s new Preparatory School is a milestone project for the school – the biggest project since the creation of the Claremont campus over 100 years ago.


The new school space was to be designed to accommodate students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6, with a projected student population of 580 boys.

One of the main goals was to reduce the physical footprint of the Preparatory School, which was previously dispersed across the campus.

Design response

The new Preparatory School features a range of contemporary, functional and adaptable spaces for students. Located along the western boundary of the campus, open playing space has been maximised.

Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School perforated facade

The eastern façade can be read from left to right, progressing from structured to playful through abstracted geometric forms.

Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School Innovation Hub

A key feature of the school is the Innovation hub, a free-standing space housing technology, research and innovation spaces. Wrapped in jewel-toned iridescent tiles, the Innovation Hub was purposely designed to juxtapose the architectural style of the main building.

Christ Church Grammar Preparatory School students

With_Architecture Studio
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    Project Summary
    LocationPerth, WA
    PhotographerPeter Bennetts
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