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Corner House

Purchased in 2019, Panda Studio Architecture were called upon to oversee the reinvigoration of a run-down dishevelled heritage home.

Purchased in 2019, Panda Studio Architecture were called upon to oversee the reinvigoration of a run-down dishevelled heritage home. The clientele were looking to convert the property into an Airbnb, and as a result the home was to be photogenic and contemporary.

corner house panda studio

corner house panda studio

Working within a limited budget and short timeframe, Panda Studio were thrust into action. The development approval controls helped to mitigate time issues, as did the retention of the building’s footprint. The three bedrooms were maintained, while the bathroom was removed in order to create indoor-outdoor dining and entertaining opportunities.

corner house panda studio

corner house panda studio

Appearance of space was heightened through the opening of view lines from the rear yard through to the front door. Panda also removed the walls between the living area and kitchen to create an open-plan, all-encompassing living space.

corner house panda studio

An on-the-run decision by the clients saw the dwelling evolve from a potential Airbnb to a student accommodation space, before finally deciding to sell the property. The constant evolution saw workspaces created in each bedroom to provide future residents with adequate space to support hybrid working models.

corner house panda studior

The remodelled interior heightens the living experience, with cream walls allowing natural light to flourish within the space. Timber flooring and charcoal cabinetry contrast one another and showcase the versatility of the material within a contemporary context.

Psnda Studio Architecture
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    Location2000, NSW
    PhotographerScott Burrows
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