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The Deakin University building encouraging students to socialise

At its heart, this building celebrates and encourages social interaction between its inhabitants.

deakin university

Deakin University’s new Geelong Waterfront Campus Student Accommodation provides apartment accommodation for over 400 students. Its design was inspired by the adjacent wool store buildings, with a six-storey arch cutting through the building’s core to reflect the scale of the wool stores. At its heart however, it celebrates and encourages social interaction between its inhabitants.

Social spaces are provided on every level in the form of study spaces accessed from the fluid bridge links and at roof level.

deakin university

The design focuses on the social connection of students in ‘household’ structures, with approximately six students per apartment. This strategy creates a distinctive series of connected homes.

The living spaces of these apartments are orientated around the atrium, further connecting these groups socially. At the civic level, the podium is connected to the street stairs and a six-storey arch that nods to the recently completed Geelong Library.

White precast concrete forms create a backdrop to celebrate the ‘individual’ within the wider university collective. Meanwhile, the use of brickwork within the arch and at street level creates a warm and welcoming environment for residents and visitors.

Views of the bay, iconic pier, station, library and city are afforded from rooms, study pods and social spaces on the rooftop.

deakin university

The design maximises social interaction between residents by retaining lounges and social areas in a central location, wrapped around an atrium space.

deakin university


  • Brightonlite white pre-cast concrete
  • Austral bricks
  • Lysaght roof sheeting
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    Project Summary
    LocationGeelong, VIC
    PhotographerCaitlin Mills
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