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East Shelly Extension

Returning clients briefed us to assist with the renovation of their much-loved 1970’s pastel-pink fibro beach shack.

From the architect:

Returning clients briefed us to assist with the renovation of their much-loved 1970’s pastel-pink fibro beach shack.

east shelly extension

The existing shack riddled with asbestos and lacking in natural light and functionality, contained a redeeming bay window which the clients were keen to replicate in the transformation.

east shelly extension

east shelly extension

The new work centred on creating a robust series of internal and external spaces which could withstand the rigours of four young children and extended family while encouraging relaxation and connection with the beach.

east shelly extension

east shelly extension

Durable and low maintenance materials were prioritised; such as face brick, block and spotted gum timber. An oversized outdoor fire and covered dining area provide the perfect place to convene as a family after a day of fishing or surfing. And stubborn sand could be swiftly washed away in the outdoor shower.

east shelly extension

east shelly extension

A low brick wall defining an outdoor room, but also acting as a seat, at once opens up to the beach and foreshore while also creating a dialogue between private and public spaces in a small community where neighbours might pop in for a BBQ at any moment.

east shelly extension

east shelly extension

Studio Ilk
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    Project Summary
    LocationShelly Beach, TAS
    ArchitectStudio Ilk
    PhotographerRhys Holland
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