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Habitat Recreation Centre

Freed from its more utilitarian surroundings, Habitat Recreation’s floating translucent roof beckons visitors to explore under its sculptural wings.

Text description provided by the architects. Freed from its more utilitarian surroundings, Habitat Recreation’s floating translucent roof beckons visitors to explore under its sculptural wings.

Provided free of charge for use by residents and tenants, it offers daily opportunities to relax, meet neighbours and build community. It features a grassed area, 25-metre lap pool, kids pool, showers, toilets, change rooms, barbecues, ping pong tables, lockable bike storage and edible gardens.

Toilets and change rooms are a covered outdoor area clustered around a central corridor, eliminating the need for mechanical ventilation or daytime lighting by providing ample amounts of daylight and fresh air.

Rainwater feeds the pool and amenities, while Habitat’s embodied energy network powers the hot water and lights.

DFJ Architects
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    Project Summary
    LocationByron Bay, NSW
    Size150.0 m²
    PhotographerPeter Bennetts
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