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The Hendra House

Hendra House is a project that takes strong cues from mid-century design and the local subtropical climate.

Hendra House is a project that takes strong cues from mid-century design and the local subtropical climate.

The clients brief was for a modern home that could accommodate a growing family, make the most of the climate and sit comfortably in with the surrounding character homes in the area.

The clients brief was for a modern home that could accommodate a growing family, make the most of the climate and sit comfortably in with the surrounding character homes in the area.

The L shaped plan forms a direct connection to the North East corner of the yard opening the entire lower and upper levels to the sun and local summer breezes.

The beautiful Jacaranda tree positioned in the front yard also inspired height and volume to the home and afforded the ability to open to the façade street whilst maintaining a comfortable level of privacy.

The clients brief was for a modern home that could accommodate a growing family, make the most of the climate and sit comfortably in with the surrounding character homes in the area.

The project brief called for a modern home that acknowledges the traditional Queenslander and character of the suburb

The open plan works to support a home for a growing family which can close down for more intimate evenings and open up to 'full party mode' and accommodate entertaining across both the lower and upper levels.

A large concrete balcony serves to expand the upper floor plan and provide a deep overhang to protect the lower level areas.

Hive Architects
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    Project Summary
    LocationHendra, QLD
    PhotographerBrett Boardman
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