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No. 6 Sydney Street

Imagined as a sculpture, Wood Marsh’s No. 6 Sydney Street comprises 15 luxury residences characterised by its form and connection to nature.

Imagined as a sculpture, Wood Marsh’s No. 6 Sydney Street comprises 15 luxury residences characterised by its form and connection to nature.

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

Located in Prahran, the building is located in close proximity to Orrong Romanis Reserve. The building’s form is a tribute to the gentle curves of the natural environment, with the floorplates sitting on a series of irregularly shaped fluted columns. The curvaceous facade is given depth by deep rippling, with a number of gardens softening the forms and strengthening the biophilic tendencies of the tower.

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

The building’s base is concealed by a number of plantations, which frames the entry canopy that sits between two recessed columns. The interiors of the residences see the external natural material palette transition from outside to in, with timber and marble bringing warmth and a sense of restrained luxury, with plaster and curving volumes and the presence of natural light softening the interiors further. A travertine mosaic in the bathroom provides texture, as well as contrast to the timber and stone vanity.

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

6 sydney street wood marsh

Contrasting its streetscape, No. 6 Sydney Street brings curvature and grace to its local environment. Utilising the texture and depth of the natural environment, Wood Marsh’s design has resulted in a collection of residences that perfectly intersect between glamour and wellbeing.

Wood Marsh
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    Project Summary
    LocationPrahran, VIC
    ArchitectWood Marsh
    PhotographerJeremy Wright
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