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Orchard Manufacturing Co.

Bent Architecture’s design for Orchard Manufacturing Co.’s office is something of a paradox.

Bent Architecture’s design for Orchard Manufacturing Co.’s office is something of a paradox. The workplace for the manufacturing plant has been inspired by the work of environmental activist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and intertwines the natural with the industrial.

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

The vegetative spirals of Hundertwasser’s works are seen throughout the space, which mimics natural landscapes. Colour and texture sees the spirals flow from the external spaces into the interior. These elements ebb and flow around the interior, informing the selection of finishes and materials and even inspiring naturally undulating floors.

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

Creating a work environment that is connective and engaging, Bent Architecture does away with quintessential industrial design to break the mould with a biophilic wonder. The implementation of colour, texture and geometric forms create a space to be loved by all, from employees to visitors and everything in between.

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

orchard manufacturing co. bent architecture

BENT Architecture
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    Project Summary
    LocationRowville, VIC
    PhotographerJack Lovel
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