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The Butcher’s Shop house

Set within the heritage conservation area of Surry Hills, Sydney, this project is the extension and reworking of a former Butcher’s Shop

From the architect:

Set within the heritage conservation area of Surry Hills, Sydney, this project is the extension and reworking of a former Butcher’s Shop.

Originally an annexe to the adjoining terrace house, where the butcher would have lived, the building was a shop at street level with two children’s bedrooms above, with a freestanding cool room in the rear yard.

The original door openings linking the two buildings are still evident on both levels but were bricked in when previously converted to a separate residence. At the same time, the original shop front was removed and the floor level of the front room raised to insert a timber floor.

The original door openings linking the two buildings are still evident on both levels but were bricked in when previously converted to a separate residence. At the same time, the original shop front was removed and the floor level of the front room raised to insert a timber floor.

A rudimentary kitchen and stair had also been inserted in the space between the rear of the shop and the original cool room, which was converted to a bathroom with an additional bedroom added above.

The brief was to create a new kitchen and rooftop extension to house the main bedroom with ensuite bathroom while maintaining the original butcher’s shop as the main living space. Conceptually the new work is a ‘Z’ shaped element, consisting of the horizontal kitchen leg at the lower level, running towards the rear yard, a vertical stairwell and another horizontal leg on the upper level, running towards the street frontage, containing the main bedroom.

The original door openings linking the two buildings are still evident on both levels but were bricked in when previously converted to a separate residence. At the same time, the original shop front was removed and the floor level of the front room raised to insert a timber floor.

The new kitchen is at the intersection of the circulation paths to the rear yard, stair and bathroom, with the design of the circular end to a ‘hockey stick’ kitchen bench forming the pivot point for all these movements and a family table at the centre of the home. The fully tiled walls of the kitchen are a reference to the original butcher’s shop tiling, which is still intact on the internal walls of the living and dining area at the front of the house.

The third storey addition is set back from the existing parapet, maintaining the original building form to preserve the heritage character of the existing, while allowing for the insertion of a small roof terrace between old and new. A freestanding wardrobe unit forms the bedhead, with the ensuite to the rear beside the new stair.

The ‘Z’ shaped additions are expressed as a contemporary insertion and clad in white aluminium composite panels, to contrast with the original brickwork. The new kitchen floor is polished concrete while the upper levels have black linoleum flooring.

The owners are an art consultant and an art director/artist and their two young boys, with the house to provide hanging and display space for their art collection.

The owners are an art consultant and an art director/artist and their two young boys, with the house to provide hanging and display space for their art collection.

Accoridng to architect Ian Moore, "The work on this house was completed in early 2018."

"The project was really about allowing a young family to stay in their existing house without needing to sell, buy a new one and upgrade. In this regard getting approval for the third level extension was critical to allow for a new main bedroom and ensuite for the parents and allow the 2 boys to have the 2 original bedrooms."

"Conceptually the 'z' shaped addition of the new kitchen at courtyard level, the new vertical stair extension and the new main bedroom had to read as 'new' in contrast to the 'old' of the original brick terrace house/shop, so were clad in white aluminium with white aluminium windows and louvres."

"The circular end to the kitchen bench forms the 'centre' of the house and the fulcrum around which all circulation takes place."

"Central to this project was the retention of all of the original building fabric, except the roof. Of particular importance was the retention of the original butchers shop tiling to the walls of the main living area. All new work was to be visually distinct from the original and materials were to be simple, robust and low maintenance," he says"

"A simple polished concrete slab to the kitchen floor and linoleum to the stair and upper levels with white subway tiling to the kitchen and bathroom walls being a reference to the original butchers shop tiling. Natural light and ventilation were fundamental considerations, with new windows and doors being full height and full width and the introduction of overhead light to the kitchen by way of a large circular skylight, mimicking the circular end to the kitchen bench."

"A small roof terrace off the main bedroom, combined with louvred windows to the ensuite and stair provide exceptional cross ventilation. All lighting is LED and ceiling fans have been installed in all bedrooms," Moore concludes.

Ian Moore Architects
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    Project Summary
    LocationSurry Hills, NSW
    PhotographerCathy Schusler
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