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The house for all seasons

A House for All Seasons is a contemporary house designed for the evolving needs of a young family within the context of a heritage streetscape in inner-city Melbourne.

From the architect:

A House for All Seasons is a contemporary house designed for the evolving needs of a young family within the context of a heritage streetscape in inner-city Melbourne.

The design of the form and facades of the house was carefully calibrated to the grain, scale and materiality of neighbouring dwellings. Innovative, efficient spatial planning provides a generosity of amenity within a compact footprint.

The project targeted best-practice in sustainability through the adoption of passive solar design principles, energy efficiency, durable materials, reduction in water-use and drought-tolerant native/edible vegetation.

It has been designed and built to the Passive House standard - one of the most rigorous energy efficiency standards in the world - with the aim of providing year-round thermal comfort with minimal requirement for mechanical heating and cooling.

Images: Supplied.

Poly Studio
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    Project Summary
    LocationCremorne, VIC
    ArchitectPoly Studio
    PhotographerBrett Boardman
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