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Allproof drainage system ensures food safety and hygiene at potato chip production facility
Allproof drainage system ensures food safety and hygiene at potato chip production facility

Allproof was engaged to assist in the design and manufacturing of a drainage system that would meet the operational requ...

Selecting floor wastes for projects requiring passive fire rating
Selecting floor wastes for projects requiring passive fire rating

When selecting floor wastes in projects that require passive fire rating, some consideration should be given to the syst...

Allproof introduces new 300mm clear opening commercial channel
Allproof introduces new 300mm clear opening commercial channel

Allproof’s Commercial Channel is manufactured from 100% recycled polypropylene with a focus on sustainable manufacturing...

How to select drainage systems to manage waste water in production facilities
How to select drainage systems to manage waste water in production facilities

Waste water in processing facilities such as factories for food and beverage production, or even commercial kitchens, ca...

How to select external surface water drainage systems for home driveways
How to select external surface water drainage systems for home driveways

Driveway drainage can be installed at the garage entrance, the end of the drive or even at a selected point across or do...

How Allproof’s modular channel helps create fit-for-purpose drainage systems for commercial kitchens
How Allproof’s modular channel helps create fit-for-purpose drainage systems for commercial kitchens

Drainage systems are critical to the operation of commercial kitchens or food and production facilities.

Showing 6 of 26 articles
Frequently Asked Questions

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Allproof have spent years building relationships with merchants and trade alike in the industry and want to support all our partners. For this reason we have chosen to only make our products available through merchants, we are happy to consult directly with the trade, however a preferred merchant is required to process any orders. We believe that together as an industry we can build a better future for everyone.
Allproof have sales representatives nation wide in NZ, Melbourne Victoria and Sydney NSW who are all happy to make site calls, visit workshops, offices/studios and merchants at your convenience to provide assistance and support at every opportunity. If you require an Allproof representative for any reason please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will ensure that the most appropriate member of staff available provides you with any and all assistance possible.
Our fire protection products have been tested and proven to work to the published standards as a complete unit and in specific install situations. Please do not modify or adapt products for install as we cannot guarantee its performance if differing from our tested situations. Please consult an Allproof representative or a fire engineer if you are unsure on anything and we can advise on the best course of action
Our fire protection products have been tested and proven to work to the published standards as a complete unit and in specific install situations. Please do not modify or adapt products for install as we cannot guarantee its performance if differing from our tested situations. Please consult an Allproof representative or a fire engineer if you are unsure on anything and we can advise on the best course of action
The R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry. My understanding is that the equation is material thickness divided by the materials ‘k’ value (thermal conductivity) E.g. 13mm (.013) / .035 = 0.3714285 to one decimal place = 0.3 It gets a little tricky because the measure it slightly different in Europe than they do in Australasia. Essentially though, and this is the simple version, our products (thermal & acoustic) work equal to or better than any other product out there on the market and they certainly meet all the required NZ standards.
The Compliance Document for New Zealand Building Code, Clause E2, External Moisture as stated in Concrete slab requires a”1:200 minimum fall along length of channel towards a drainage outlet”. This is why we recommend forming a channel on site even if a pre fabricated channel measuring 150x200mm appears to be appropriate it still wont comply to code.
Yes, the Compliance Document for New Zealand Building Code, Clause E2, External Moisture as stated in Concrete slab requires a “1:200 minimum fall along length of channel towards a drainage outlet”. This is why we recommend forming a channel on site even if a pre fabricated channel measuring 150x200mm appears to be appropriate it still wont comply to code.
Bolted Bracket is our most popular level threshold system and provides a strong well mounted solution. The mountings for this system are set out in the boxing required for the concrete pour of the exterior surface. Allproof will provide a shop drawing before the pour date indicating the mounting positions so that once the concrete has been finished and the timber boxing removed the positioned mounting points will align with the Allproof fabricated frame and can be dropped into place. This system removes pressure around the time of pour as the frame can arrive on site and be fitted later in the construction schedule.
Allproof supply a range of Level Threshold products that cater for multiple install situations, we recommend engaging our services as early as possible to find the best solution for your project. Our Level Threshold brochure outlines the range of products we offer and advises on what factors you will have to consider when selecting your system and install methods for each product.
New Zealand Building code E2/AS1 stipulates the requirements of drainage around level threshold situations and must be adhered to. Compliance Document for New Zealand Building Code, Clause E2, External Moisture as per Figure 17B for ground level entry requires a “minimum” of 150mm x 200mm channel with a “1:200 minimum fall along length of channel towards a drainage outlet” as stated in Concrete slab. Allproof have a vast amount of experience in this section and offer an excellent range of solutions. We are always happy to advise on product selection and assist with any questions from initial building concept design to onsite trouble shooting by always being on hand with an impressive reputation of service quality.
Each of our leak control flange products will vary slightly but fundamentally it provides a connection to a pipe and a robust surface for waterproofing to be applied to. Install details should be available for each product on the appropriate product page, please consult these before commencing install. There are some general rules, the flange must be rebated into the substrate, fixed/secured into position and provide enough surface area for membrane to be adhered to with a surface fall towards the outlet so that it can ensure that all surface water is efficiently drained. If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact us and ensure that our products provide the ultimate protection against moisture.
Please see our product maintenance page for information.
Yes, all our product warranty information can be found here
At Allproof we pride ourselves on the quality of our products. We want both the industry and clients to feel assured that when choosing Allproof products you have selected a solution that will last for years to come. To guarantee the quality of our products we have created many internal systems to ensure the product that reaches you is of the best possible finish. We will work with you to ensure it fits your expectations and will happily exchange it should it not meet our strict requirements. For more details please see our Quality Assurance document here
Torch on membranes can be combined with any of our cast brass drains and our Sureflow plastic flanges that utilise a thicker gage PVC so to reduce any risk of warping or melting occuring during the installation of membrane.
Allproof provide a custom channel service where we will manufacture a shower channel bespoke to your requirements. These can be ordered with our custom shower channel order forms available on the relevant product page. Please contact us for any technical enquiries and lead times as these may vary from job to job.
Our shower channels and wastes may have varying install methods from product to product, however when forming the floor it should always have a drop towards the channel to ensure that any moisture, surface or sub-surface, will find its way to the outlet and be drained away. The fall can be created with screed or a leveling compound and preferably then waterproofed to the waterproofing suppliers recommendations with a strong seal to the Allproof flange creating a completely ‘tanked’ area. Please see relevant install steps available on the product page in the brochure or under the ‘Misc’ tab.
We recommend involving a hydraulics engineer for any application that deviates from what is considered ‘usual’. However, as a rule of thumb it is recommended that you ensure there is one outlet for every shower head and multiple outlets for any channel over 1500mm long.
This is the premium waterproofing solution for areas that encounter large quantities of water (i.e.showers). By choosing a tile over shower tray you will greatly reduce the risk of failure and life expectancy to your waterproofing barrier/membrane during and after construction as the building expands and settles. This can save costly repairs should the unfortunate situation of replacing floors and ceilings occur due to membrane failure.
Allproof provide a custom channel service where we will manufacture a shower channel bespoke to your requirements. These can be ordered with our custom shower channel order forms available on the relevant product page. Please contact us for any technical enquiries and lead times as these may vary from job to job.
We have independent Branz and in-house testing results for the majority of our products, for more information please contact us and we can discuss your project requirements.
We have in-house testing and documentation that conforms to industry standards for load ratings on all channels that might be required to carry loads greater than pedestrian. We have an extensive range of channel and grate options ranging from class A to D that can cater for all requirements. Should your project require a load class of anything greater than class D we can provide custom solutions for you project to ensure you get the best solution available.
Display AddressBrendale, QLD

Brisbane Office Unit 1/21 Deakin Street

+61 7 3881 1219
Display AddressDerrimut, VIC

Melbourne Office 107 East Derrimut Crescent

+61 3 9394 1883